Monday, April 8, 2013

I wouldn't change anything

There were those questions which I received: If you could change anything about your life,what would you change?
Well,my answer is simple: I wouldn't change anything... I was born in a middle-class family by my thinking tough many people say that we are poor. But we aren't poor. As long as we have to eat and we have a roof we are not poor. Plus:we can afford a TV and internet,last generation smartphones. Being born in a family that many call poor I reallg learned what poor means,seeing poor people begging for their bread thaught me that I am rich. But they may even be richer than me,as I still judge,but they don't. I still get mad easily,they don't. I have a roof,they have the whole sky. I have money they have love...
But not only the money problems could be changed. My love problems I wouldn't change also... I liked girls... A lot of girls. But time heals all doesn't it? They weren't the best in the crowd,but they were the ones I liked. Until something happened. Most of the time they uncovered their true faces,which are disgusting. But these experiences helped me to understand that not all the thinks that fly are good to eat.
The school which I attended taught me that life is unfair. My teachers were not at all fair with me... Yes,I still was the best in my class. Speaking of which:my class was a disaster. I was surrounded by idiots. I learned to be calm by listening to their nonsenses...
I did ten years of karate... By the time I reached second year I didn't like it,but my mother was working hard to keep us at the courses,and I didn't want to upset her. I now understand that those years helped me,not to be a good fighter,but to be a good person. I was taught that only in  last case should I punch,because the world is full of idiots and the ones I meet aren't the only ones... 
I always thought "what are the stories behind these beggars?". After all they weren't born on the streets. I am sure that they have stories full of emotion. I always wandered and wanted to ask,but I was just too scared to do this...
The world is blind. We can't see the true nature of things. I always thought that blind people are actually the ones who see. They don't look at the appearance of things,they look inside them. But I myself I couldn't resist to stay blind. Why? Simply,because I like to write. I write books and poems. And even tough I could still write some way or another,I just feel like I would lose something important from my life. I could be deaf tough...
I always said that when I will meet a blind girl I will treat her like if I was blind too. I would put a strap on my eyes,or a piece of cloth,so I can't judge by the outside looks...

But why am I saying you all of this? Because a famous movie once told : "The raised hand which won't tell a story won't get change!". Every time you see a beggar,don't treat him with despise. Think of it,you might have been in his place...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


My dear journal... Should I start like this? Neah... Hello,bloggers!... Already used...

Anyway at us is like 12:14 AM and I am very sleepy! This is the first post from my droid... Just as an annoucement.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hallucination or A Face Copy? Part II

I can't believe I am here again. After all,I thought nobody is interested in this blog. But then I found out that this blog is just like my little journal. I don't know why am I here again! But today was a crazy day. Do you remember the girl I talked about? Today I was at the store. My brother was looking for some books. Well... Nothing new. At least for now. I go to get some water. When I returned I helped him look for books. When I looked up,I saw her.She was next to me for a second. She was so beautiful. I can't say if she was or not the girl I met at the contest but from what I remember she looked the same. I just stood there,trying to see her face,trying not to make it too obvious. After a while I asked my brother how should I deal with it. Should I go and talk to her? He said NO. She was with some friends. But I had a chance. When she was alone at the book rafts. I should have talked to her,but I was shy. Now I regret that decision! And I learned that if you have the chance,go talk with her! Now I regret my decision of not talking to her. This year we will have contests again. I hope to see her there. I only know her name. Maybe this time I will be more lucky!